How to install and configure Asana app from Freshdesk marketplace

Updated by Kelly watts

Install and configure Freshdesk-ASANA Connector app by IntegrateCloud

Installation: How to install Freshdesk - Asana app

  1. Login in to your Freshdesk account with admin access.

  1. Navigate to Admin Menu - - - > Helpdesk Productivity - - - - -> Apps.
  1. Click on Custom Apps - - - > Get More Apps.

  1. Type “IntegrateCloud Freshdesk-Asana integration” in the search option.

Click on Install Button.

Configure: How to configure Freshdesk-Asana app

Find this article for creating Asana personal access token  generate Asana Token
  1. As Users click on the Install button user will be redirected to the login page where the user needs to add Asana & Freshdesk Details & validate.

After Clicking on Validation if details are correct User will get the message as “App validated successfully. Click on the install button to install the app.

  1. After the installation is completed user will be able to see the Install App.

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