How to update Zendesk-Asana Integration App credentials?

Updated by Kelly watts

How to Re-Setup Zendesk IntegrateCloud Zendesk-Asana Integration App by IntegrateCloud.
  1. Login to Zendesk Account.
  2. Click on Views.
  3. Open a ticket.
  4. Find the Zendesk IntegrateCloud Zendesk-Asana Integration App by IntegrateCloud on Right Side Bar.
  5. Click on the settings icon as shown below.
  1. After Clicking on the settings icon button it will open the popup for where the user needs to Authenticate the Zendesk Credentials and asana token key.
  1. Once the Authentication is completed the user can close the popup and start using the app.
  2. Users can open a random ticket from Views to see IntegrateCloud Zendesk-Asana Integration App.

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