How to use the Freshdesk -JIRA connector app by integratecloud

Updated by Kelly watts

How to use Freshdesk - JIRA App by IntegrateCloud follow the below steps:

In the app we have 4 options.

  1. Create Issue
  2. Link Issue
  3. Notify
  4. Tickets

  1. Create issue

  • a User must migrate to a Ticket Page or must open a New Ticket.

There on the extreme right side user will be able to see “INTEGRATECLOUD FRESHDESK-JIRA INTEGRATION APP”

  • When a user clicks on the Create Issue button it loads the JIRA Project Name and Issue Type.
  • Based on the selection it will load all the JIRA fields like System fields (Summary, Description etc.…).
  • Users can scroll down to see the Custom Fields created & add the relevant data in it. 

Click on the Create Issue button at the bottom of the page when the data is added.

  • By clicking on Create Issue button the issue will be created & the JIRA Ticket Number will be displayed below the Crate Issue button on the same page.

Users can click on the JIRA ticket number to open JIRA Ticket.

This button allows you to link an existing JIRA Ticket. It can be linked to one or multiple JIRA issues. 
  • Users has to only enter the JIRA Ticket Number.
  • Once the issue is linked user shall receive a message “Freshdesk ticket successfully linked to Jira issue key”.
  • Users can verify the Linked Issue Keys in the app.

  1. Notify JIRA issue: -

This button allows the user to send notifications to all the Linked JIRA Issues.
  • When User clicks on Notify Issue it redirects to notify Issue Page where user can type its message.
  • By clicking on the Notify button user get a message “JIRA Ticket Notified Successfully.”
  • Users can verify the Notify message in the JIRA Ticket Comments log.
  1. Tickets: -

This button shall display all the Freshdesk Tickets & their corresponding JIRA Tickets. 

When the User click on JIRA Ticket Id or Freshdesk Ticket Id user will be redirected to that Ticket Id .

If any users has an issue please send an Email to

Or Create ticket using the below link

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